Reusable material supplier

For the future of exploration

Phigi produces the first generation of autonomous microrobots

We make microrobots.
Design, build, and program them.
So thousands of them collaborate to create value for you.


Move harmful activities away from the Earth

It is becoming increasingly apparent that our planet is suffering as a result of humanity’s actions. Space exploration offers a promising avenue for helping the planet to recover, but it also carries with it a number of potential pitfalls. Given the current pace of technological advancement, the window of opportunity for exploring space is rapidly closing, leaving us little choice but to focus our efforts on mitigating the damage already done. At Phigi, we are dedicated to accelerating the pace of space exploration through the development of innovative microrobots that can organically grow structures that can be constantly updated, in orbit or on the ground.

🌏 🌑 ⭐ 🪐

They trust us

From private to academic laboratories

Our microrobots are the building blocks of our customers' products of the future:

Reconfiguration algorithms, collective behaviors, human-robot collaboration, reconfigurable furniture, coordination algorithms, swarm intelligence, programmable matter, distributed algorithms, dynamic 3D shape displays...


Pushing physical boundaries with Phigi

How startup Phigi hopes to disrupt the industry


Micronora | September 24 > 27, 2024 | Besançon

Industry space days | September 18 > 19, 2024 | Noordwijk

RTNC | November 14, 2024 | Toulouse